How Quickly are Homes In The East Brunswick Area Selling?
We have analyzed the sales data using the Central New Jersey MLS, formerly Middlesex County MLS, to determine how quickly homes are selling in East Brunswick NJ and surrounding area for the period of Jan 1, 2017 to May 31, 2017.
So here are numbers for single family detached homes listed and closed in this time frame for all of Middlesex County NJ
There were 729 homes that where listed and closed in this time frame.
Of those homes 401 where sold, the seller accepted a buyer offer to purchase, in 30 days or less. That is 55%
220 more homes took between 30 and 60 day to sell, another 30% of the total homes sold.
The statistics vary some from township to township but all have shown pretty much the same results. The days on market data indicate two things;
- There was strong home buyer demand in the first 5 months of 2017
- The homes that were “Priced Right” sold quickly and for top dollar close to or over the asking prices.
Here are some individual township statistics from this report.
East Brunswick NJ
- 47 Homes Listed, Sold and Closed.
- 27 Homes Sold in 30 Days of less, 57%
- 18 Other Homes Sold in 60 Days of less 27%
Old Bridge NJ
- 59 Homes Listed, Sold and Closed,
- 39 Homes Sold in 30 Days of less, 66%
- 12 Other Homes Sold in 60 Days of less, 20%
Sayreville NJ
- 44 Homes Listed, Sold and Closed,
- 32 Homes in 30 Days of less, 72%
- 6 Other Homes in 60 Days of less, 13%
Spotswood, South River and Milltown NJ
- 42 Homes Listed, Sold and Closed,
- 25 Homes Sold in 30 Days of less, 59%
- 11 Others Homes Sold in 60 Days of less, 26%
Please contact our office for a no obligation home sale consultation that will include an accurate home evaluation. 732-238-1200 or email
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