Becoming a real estate agent in New Jersey is not difficult. The requirements for obtaining a real estate license in New Jersey are easily met by most people. If you meet the minimum standards, go to real estate school and pass the state exam you get to activate your license with a real estate broker. What most new licensees just into the real estate business don't realize is just how difficult it can be to become successful selling real estate as a career. I'm not trying to discourage anyone that's thinking "maybe real estate is for me". What I hoping to do is give you a realistic expectations of what it will take to make your real estate career expectations come true.
So lets start with the real estate licensing school. This teaches you the law. That's pretty much it! Nothing about actually applying what you learn in school to your everyday real estate activities. So you are going to need a few things and they are...
TIME TO LEARN- You need time to learn the business. I would say to start 25 hours a week during normal business hours Monday through Friday. On weekends hopefully you will be working with buyer and seller clients.
MONEY IN THE BANK - Since you are self employed in the real estate business there isn't a weekly pay check. So you need to have a way to pay for your living expenses while you are generating transactions and waiting for your commission checks. even if you sold a house the first day your in the business a commission check is still at best 45 days away. You should have at least 6 months reserves to keep you afloat.
MONEY TO INVEST - Yes that right! Your are in business for yourself when you are a real estate agent! In any business you start, you need to invest in a business plan and that includes marketing. Usually the Real Estate Broker that you work with is going to do the heavy lifting in this regard but in order to generate enough sales leads you are going to have to spend marketing dollars. To start that would be in the range of $250/mo but this is totally up to you. As you grow your business you grow the amount you invest in marketing. In addition your startup costs will be in the range of $500 to $800.
SUPPORT - You need support from your real estate broker to train you properly and to encourage you to do the things required to become financially successful. Everyone will measure financial success differently but whatever is your goal it's important that you have someone helping you get there. You also need support from your family. If you have anyone that is dependent upon you to bring in income they need to be on board and understand that it may take some time for you to generate a steady income stream from home sales.
A Reliable Vehicle - For instance our office is in East Brunswick. We service all of Middlesex County and commonly sell & list home in Union, Monmouth and Somerset Counties. You need to make a good impression on potential clients. Just as you need to dress for success you vehicle should be in good condition and kept clean and looking good.
- Robert Geist's blog
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